Human Rights Abroad

Breena Ambroselli
3 min readApr 6, 2021


There are human rights issues all throughout the world today, one thing that came to mind when I see the words human rights issues is the Muslim concentration camps in Uighurs, China. This issue was believed to begin in 2019, and it is a camp with about one million people under the Muslim descent that live in Uighurs China that were taken and forced into these camps to do forced labor and abused by the Chinese government. We had learned about this issue during class with one of our assignments and that’s how I became familiar with the topic. This is a problem because it isn’t being talked about much on the news and the word isn’t being spread that much when it should be. This is a huge human rights issue because with being a human we are granted rights, one of those rights all over the world is freedom of believing in any religion that you want to believe in, yes there are some countries where you aren’t able to live there unless you believe in what they believe in but that doesn’t give any government the right to revoke the rights of humans because of what they believe in. This is a huge problem that should be addressed and although it wouldn’t be that easy to act on it, everyone worldwide should make it a priority to make sure that these people get the help that they need. This is similar to what Hitler did in the concentration camps with people of the Jewish descent, we are almost going backwards in history and allowing the same mistakes that were made hundreds of years ago. As a society worldwide we are meant to progress and learn from the past, that’s the point of history and the fact that the same things are happening that did hundreds of years ago when there weren’t rights like we have now, it should definitely be acted upon. Not only is the Chinese government responsible for putting Muslims in camps but they are also putting Chinese women residents in these camps for “re-education” centers raping and abusing them, not allowing them to contact the outside world revoking them from social media and forcing them to do cheap labor. This is a huge violation of human rights because no human is meant to be forced into something they don’t agree with when they committed no crime of any sort. This issue matters because people’s lives are being tortured for the religion they believe in and along with the Chinese residents they are being forced to be locked up in a camp, taken away from their families and no contact with the outside world forcefully without having done anything wrong. I can’t say that I can relate to the people who are dealing with these issues, I can only sympathize with them and try to do everything I can to help them. The reason why this issue isn’t being resolved is because no one can really fight the government, and if you try, they will probably take away your human rights as well, the only way to resolve something like this is by having a huge group of people make a change and over power the Chinese government. I think that this issue is being spread on social media like Tik-Tok, Instagram, Twitter and so forth. There are people spreading awareness on this issue so that maybe someone in power can do something about it. I think by seeing this issue in America and in other countries there is an awareness about this issue and people trying to make improvements on the issue, I don’t think that this is an issue that can be addressed right away because the Chinese government is very powerful and if another country tries to impede on this issue it can lead to bigger issues like war. To solve an issue this big it can take a lot of time and has to be handled very sensitively because intruding on another country’s government can eventually lead to war by killing more lives and that wouldn’t make the situation better.

