Inspiring Advocate

Breena Ambroselli
3 min readApr 12, 2021


When I think of an activist my mind automatically thinks about Martin Luther King, Jr. the reason why I think about him is especially because of what recently happened with George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter movement. I admire Martin Luther King, Jr. because he lost his life to promote peaceful protest for civil rights. Martin Luther King, Jr. story is that he was a Baptist minister and social activist that had his doctorate degree in theology who led one of the biggest movements in the United states, the Civil Rights movement. He was assassinated at the age on 39 for his leadership in the movement where his goal was to end the legal segregation of African Americans mostly in the south and through other parts of the United States. At this time in history, the civil rights movement, was fighting for African Americans to have the same rights as whites and because of Martin Luther King, Jr. African Americans received the same treatment as whites do. Today and throughout history in the United States African Americans don’t receive the same amount of treatment as whites do. Although the law was passed after the civil rights movement and legally, they should be, there are still African Americans and other minorities that don’t get the same treatment as whites. That’s why recently America had undergo the Black Lives Matter movement because of the violent action that had happened to George Floyd America fought back giving George and African Americans their justice that they deserve. Personally, I was all for the movement in 2020 but what I didn’t support was the violence and the destruction of property. I see where everyone came from with the violence because they are mad that still in this time after so many years, many African American activists had lost their lives in history to get equal rights, they did it peacefully. They were heard and they made movements by using their voices and being heard and I think the violence and destruction of property that happened all across the Unite States really disrespected people like Martin Luther King, Jr. who lost his life to protest peacefully. That’s one of the many reasons why I admire Martin Luther King, Jr. he fought and fought and fought for what he believed in and was always so peaceful in doing it. If I could imagine myself in his shoes, I would be angry, I would probably turn to violence like most people do when things in life aren’t fair but he was so composed. His work was very important in the United States because he changed a law, he fought not only for himself but the other millions of other African Americans to earn the rights that they deserved. The specific ideas and actions that Martin Luther King, Jr. had that I would like to emulate in my own life and work towards social change would be the peaceful protests and humble attitude that he was so inclined to. It takes a lot to be so invested in something that you want and get there so humbly and that’s the one thing that I admire about him greatly, especially after the violence that America had to undergo in 2020. He was a great leader because he accomplished what he wanted to accomplish after so many years of him dedicated to doing it, he did it and unfortunately, he lost his life but he is a legend in history for the things he succeed in.

