Next Steps

Breena Ambroselli
3 min readApr 20, 2021

With my experience and knowledge in social media i think that the most important target for future policy of social media would be to keep kids in youth. Today there are so many young kids that act like adults because of what they see on social media and the things that they are learning. In regards to this issue i think that kids aren’t enjoying their youth. There should be a goal in all social media to sensor and keep kids from watching inappropriate videos for their age. The tactics that would be right for this is kind of like the path that tik tok is going down by using a for you page and understanding the users’ needs but there are a lot of improvements that should be made by putting something like parental guidance on the app without having the parent doing it. There should definitely be more regulation for social media because there are things that people post on social media that they shouldn’t and they get away with it and continue to post inappropriate content. This means that kids have access to seeing it and many others too that are older where it can be upsetting to them. I think that we should keep the big tech companies going but have them regulated a lot more than they are now. There should be rules and regulations that they have to follow that are a lot stricter than what the regulations are now. What should be done to improve accessibility on social media is making all apps accessible to anyone and everyone with disabilities and constantly regulation it to fit the needs of everyone is society, although it sounds like a lot of time effort and money these creators of the social media apps make billions of dollars when they make an app and it is constantly used. So, they should take that money and put it towards bettering the app in every way possible. As well as safety I think that all apps should be monitored constantly, with some of the content i see on tik tok and other social media apps they are doing something about bad videos but not doing it fast enough, they also only are seeing peoples accounts that are verified because their accounts get the most attention but what about the small accounts that post inappropriate and unsafe videos that go unnoticed for a while or even never are noticed, the content is still there. Online people like to post their views and opinions and most of the time it’s fair but in a lot of other cases there are people that post their opinions that are inappropriate and wrong violating human rights and social justice issues. I believe that if this is regulated more, there would be such diversity with social justice and a lack of human rights. I see social media being most valued and effective in improving social justice on the big apps, overall every couple of years a new app will come out and be most popular so those in power should be able to regulate the positive videos that spread positive awareness on those big apps where there are billions of people on the app every day and take down those videos that spread negativity. Honestly since the beginning of the course where we discussed how we can see the amount of time we spend on social media, I noticed that I spent way too much time on social media and it was taking over my life. Things that i saw on social media i was so quick to believe it but as a couple weeks went by I decided to cut back on my phone by a lot because there were so many biased opinions on social media that I would believe without doing any research about it and i think that’s where the problem is. People post biased opinions about anything; thousands of others see it and believe it without doing and research about it. I personally don’t like posting my opinions on social media because I’m scared that it will either get hate or someone that doesn’t believe my views will start some sort of issue, because there are billions of people on social media there are also billions of different opinions and views and by posting that it can come with violence hate and threats.

